For January 2010 one of the monthly goals that I set myself was to meditate for 30 minutes each evening. Bearing in mind that I had meditated only a few times before this in terms of sitting down cross-legged. I was unsure initially and did not expect much results wise. My meditation practice was the one that I described in another article previously. I basically concentrate on the stillness of the mind and the inner body, whichever appears to my awareness and if something comes over it like a thought or bodily sensation I watch for myself identifying with it and return to the silent source. It is a great practice inspired by Eckhart Tolle and one I recommend wholeheartedly. I was astounded at the benefits and side effects. I noticed things like:
A Jump In Awareness - If you want to do this you must be prepared for a rapid and noticeable change in your views on life. Issues that you have that you have barely been aware of or have not been aware of recently will stare you in the face daily.
Single Sofa Bed Chair
A Deep Knowing That All Is Good - You know that something may not go right for you one day but even if it does then it is OK. Things are things and are susceptible to change. You can work on it tomorrow. This is the basic teachings of the founders of all religions. All is good in the universe.
You Care Less About Your Public Image - I used to get anxious going out shopping or using my authority over my own life. I found myself taking less consideration of what others thought about my actions and appearance. I did not wear scruffy clothes or anything.
Unexplainable Experiences - During meditation if you stick at it you will experience altered states of being that feel absolutely fantastic, peaceful and abundant. You will also find that it is near impossible to describe to someone how it feels. It is literally beyond words. Many times in deep inner body meditation I lost the boundary of where my physical body started and began and my consciousness expanded literally beyond my physical form. Imagine trying to verbalize that form of spiritual awakening?
Once I remember sitting at my kitchen table and starting an impromptu meditation session alone which turned into a long one of something like 45 minutes (I was not counting). I experienced pure ecstasy. It was amazing. It is like the greatest experience of your life that you can think of right now and have that ecstasy dial turned up 1000 times. It was the source of ecstasy I found and tied to no particular event. It was too strong for me and jolted me out of my meditative state. I will never forget it though and plan on reaching it regularly.
You Lose Sense Of Time (It is A Good Thing!) - Time is something that is totally in the mind and in deep meditative states you come to the realization of this. When you are totally focused on the silence within and in the moment time has no place in your reality. Hours can go by in what feels like minutes.
Awareness of Eating Habits - I stopped binge eating junk food. I noticed 7 days into the trial that after meditating you feel an empty kind of inner peace. When I have found that in the past I have eaten to compensate unconsciously to "refill" myself again as my ego needs fullness that it perceives is lacking. It is a habit I have just bought awareness too and it shows that even skinny guys/girls can comfort eat. It is a psychological disorder not a physical one.
Awareness Of Drinking Habits - The last time I drank alcohol was New Years Eve 2009-2010. Got pretty drunk actually. I started the meditation ritual New Years Day. I notice that the habit has been burned into my mind and body that when I walk into a bar I HAVE to buy a drink and it has to be alcohol. I get a lot of stick from people who know me as a guy who drinks but it feels even better to know that I am sticking to my principles through the criticism. I know they will respect me for that even if they do not say it.
Awareness Of Deeper Issues - This is something that I really struggled with. Most people think that meditation will just solve their external problems. I found that it just brings them to your awareness when they were not so obvious before. You suddenly find yourself shifting away from views and paradigms that have controlled you for your entire life and it is unsettling but stick with it. You are unveiling all the mental emotional baggage that needs to come to your attention for you to improve your life and under go a spiritual awakening.
Heightened Senses - One thing that I have found that improved dramatically by a huge amount of my senses. Especially me smell and taste. Eating after meditation is pure bliss. The foods taste explodes into your mouth feeling like it hits every single taste receptor on your tongue in increasing crescendos. I cannot give you examples per say but you notice it within yourself and the improvement is huge.
You Can See Others Suffering- You can see their suffering against woes that are all scenarios created in their own mind that have no reality basis. Sleeping people who have undergone no spiritual awakening walk around with a state of frozen terror on their faces because they are rehearsing the worse case scenario all the time. They have no foothold in the present moment. It is like I have said before this is really quite scary and can make you feel like they are robotic when that glazed over look comes to their eyes.
Other Things of Note
I found my eyes regularly opening in some meditations towards the end. It was like I was forcing them closed when they were attempting to stay open. I would go into a meditation tired and raise my consciousness and alertness to find my eyes opening alertly.
Meditating before bed helped me. If you can stay alert enough then you can improve the quality of your sleep as you connect with source through meditation and awake mentally and physically refreshed and recharged. I remember once waking from a sleep and just knowing I had gone so deep and touched my source. I awoke as alert as if I was going about my everyday life. No grogginess.
Do not meditate when super tired. I once or twice made the mistake of meditating (at 11pm) after going out with friends and I fell to sleep a couple of times during it. It is just not the same quality if you are really tired.
By the 20th day I found myself completely comfortable meditating for 30 minutes and just returning to my source. It turned from a chore into something that I just enjoyed doing. It was difficult to make sure that I did it on time daily but these are teething problems and will be cleaned up.
Areas I Will Improve On
I need to improve my posture. During meditation my back would arch as I have always had bad posture being a tall skinny guy. I need to improve this to keep up with my spiritual awakening. One technique that is doing well for me is to ignore all of the "shoulders back, chest out" stuff and just feel as if there is a string attached to your crown on your head lightly tugging up. Let everything else below that relax.
A regular place. I meditated often on my bed, sometimes on my chair in the kitchen and sometimes on the sofa. Having a regular place helps cement the habit and just makes things easier.
Conclusion & Recommendations
These 30 days have felt like a year Sometimes in meditation would go so deep into the timeless realm within that I would open my eyes after feeling hours had passed and it would be a few minutes. Overall I am really proud of myself. I have never done anything as consistently as this and am going to continue with 30 minutes of evening meditation t. I expect to add 30 minutes of morning meditation too one day in a natural location but I am happy that there is enough to still learn at this level and slowly but surely wins the race.
This is the first stop and basis for personal development. If you or anyone else knows someone who is getting into personal development then meditation is where it all begins. Success and spiritual awakening really are an inner game. I would recommend that if you want to start meditating daily then start with 15-30 minutes daily if you are a total beginner using my Awareness Meditation technique or another if your intuition pulls you towards is. At the start your mind will be hectic and will pull you away with its excuses and nagging voices but just watch that little voice and you will eventually find the calm you are searching for and within one month too.
Start small and commit for just the next 30 days. A calendar month makes this much easier. If you do not like it after a month then you do not have to continue but you may also be leaving something amazing on the table if you do not try it out. It is really difficult at the start to concentrate for longer periods of time. I would recommend that you set aside an EXACT time each day to meditate in the exact same place.